About Us

Apostle Al Forniss was born in a suburb of Los Angeles , California called Boston Heights . From the age of three months old until twelve years of age Al had a very strong case of Chronic Asthma. He was allergic to most foods and many natural elements that he had to live in a controlled environment liken to a plastic bubble. Most of his home and furnishings werecovered in plastic but still he would end up in the hospital two to three days a week to combat this dreadful attack upon his body. His illness left his body with a deformed chest, an enlarged heart, and weakened lungs. The doctors informed Al's parents that it would be a miracle if he were to live pass the age of twelve.

At the age of twelve, his miracle came. Not having any prior knowledge of God's healing power through the laying of hands in faith to Jesus Christ, Al's parents laid hands on him by the teaching of Oral Roberts through television. There wasn't any immediate change, but within two weeks, doctors said that his bone structure had changed to normal. From that day forward, Al has not been allergic to any foods or any natural elements and has maintained a good bill of health.

God obviously had a great purpose for Al. At age fourteen, he had his first audible experience with the Lord Jesus. The Lord said, "Son, I have elected you to heal my people. You shall go around the world with the power upon your hands. You shall be like a doctor, but you will not go to school for it." He had already begun to move in many of the gifts of the spirit, but was not born again. He did not know Jesus as his Lord and Savior.

At the age of thirty-three, Al became born again and began his journey in learning more about his newly found love...JESUS. He had a second visitation with the Lord and was told that now was the time that he was to be separated, consecrated and sanctified to be able to have the authority to be under God's Glory. The duration of this visitation was for two and a half hours, wherein the Lord anointed Al in becoming an international orator. Soon, doors began to open all over the world in hosting Miracle Healing Crusades.

In 1994, Al founded Desert Bloom Ministries and became Sr. Pastor, with his wife Loretta as Co-Pastor. The Lord allowed Al to minister to high-profile political figures, as well as to Hollywood stars, bringing forth the word of God and it's prophetic insight, instruction and direction. Through this amazing process, many lives and even nations have been changed. Al was also gifted with an anointed voice for worship, which ushers in "Theophany" (the visible presence of God), where signs and wonders follow. In 2006, God instructed Al to close the doors of Desert Bloom Ministries and to take his ministry world wide. This birthed forth Al Forniss Ministries.



-Davidic Worship Major - Living Waters Bible Institute, Pasadena, CA


-Doctor of Divinity - California State Christian Universiy, Wilshire, CA

(Was also appointed Chaplin of California State Christian University)

-Certified Psychotherapist and Counselor


-Also attended Cal State Fullerton, Cerritos College, and Rio Hondo College for General Education.



-Ordained as Pastor


-Ordained as Apostle (Was called an apostle since 2004)

Other Key Life Notes

-Married in 1973 to his wife Loretta.

-Blessed with three sons (Al Jr., Brandon, Ryan), two daughters in law (Jamie, Jennifer), five grandsons (Michael, Nicholas, Evan, Christopher, and Jeremy) and one granddaughter (Madison).